Gill research group
insect ecology & evolution
Dr Andres Arce - Was a NERC funded PDRA in the group, and is now a University Lecturer at University of Suffolk
1. Behavioural and colony responses to pesticide exposure in bumblebees
2. Bee population responses to environmental change
3. Bumblebee gut microbiomes
4. Gene expression after pesticide exposure
5. Bee feeding preferences with chronic pesticide exposure
Johansson J, Arce A & Gill RJ (in press) How competition between overlapping generations can influence optimal egg-laying strategies in annual social insects. Oecologia
Arce AN*, Cantwell-Jones A*, (+20 co-authors) & Gill RJ (2022). Signatures of increasing environmental stress in bumblebee wings over the past century: Insights from museum specimens, J. Animal Ecology.
Mullin (14 authors), Gill RJ* & Barnes I* (2022). First large-scale quantification study of DNA preservation in insects from natural history collections using genome-wide sequencing. Methods in Ecology & Evolution.
Colgan TJ, Arce AN, Gill RJ, Ramos Rodrigues A, Kanteh A, Duncan EJ, Li L, Chittka L & Wurm Y (2022) Genomic signatures of recent adaptation in a wild bumblebee. Molecular Biology & Evolution, 39, msab366.
Watrobska CM, Ramos Rodrigues A, Arce AN, Clarke J & Gill RJ (2022) Pollen source richness may be a poor predictor of bumblebee colony growth. Frontiers in Insect Science, 1, 741349.
Smith DB, Arce AN, Ramos Rodrigues A, Bischoff PH, Burris D, Ahmed F & Gill RJ (2020) Insecticide exposure during brood or early-adult development reduces brain growth and impairs adult learning in bumblebees. in Proc. Roy. Soc. B. doi: 10.1098/rspb.2019.2442