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Dr Peter Graystock - Was an Imperial College Research Fellow hosted by the group, but now Lecturer at Imperial College.


Studies the influence of microbial ecology on pollinator health. His work is supported by both industry and conservation trusts and has been influential in improving policy and industrial practices to reduce parasite risks to wild bees.


1-Microbial function: The function of a parasite may be quite apparent such as causing the host to die. Other microbes may be more cryptic in their potential functional role, such as improving digestion or reducing parasite virulence. Peter looks to identify these less apparent functions of microbes and exploit them to improve pollinator health


2-Transmission dynamics: microbes (both good and bad) are shared across pollinator communities but it is unclear what drives and modulates this ‘sharing’ of microbes. Peter's work looks to address this and make reliable predictions of how the pollinator communities and their landscapes facilitate disease epidemics.


You can learn more about his publications and research at:


Imperial College London

Silwood Park Campus

Buckhurst Road, Ascot



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